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Insulate your House Properly

Through use of LED bulbs, you will be able to save on energy bills by insulating your house. Proper insulation is important for the following reasons:

  1. Insulation keeps heat from escaping from your dwellings and promotes comfort in hot or cold weather conditions.  Hot air rises and escapes through gaps, cracks or spaces around doors, windows etc., so arranging a thick layer of insulation on these places makes it harder for cold air to settle over you when it’s winter time!
  2. Energy saving technology is available that can detect leaks at the building. With this technology you will be able to easily stop all kinds of waste heat from escaping through your walls, floors and other openings so their energy loss is reduced by more than 30%. The result: heating costs significantly lowered in winter when needed!
  3. The cost of insulating your house will be considerably less than the money you need to spend on heating and ventilation systems. Now talking about insulation, care should be taken while handling it so that it doesn’t get damaged during installation process!

Any damage in insulation means a huge waste of energy because heat cannot escape from areas where there is no thermal barrier via air leaks and other mechanical openings in frames, windows etc. So if any holes are made as result of improper installation, or if insulating material is damaged in any way.  You need to cover them up with other insulation

  1. In winter, keeping your house warmer and insulated helps you prevent stuffy nose from cold air that settles during night time hours unlike its summertime counterpart when this function doesn’t play a key role. Furthermore, a home that’s kept warmer during long winter nights means a potential to save even more heating costs.
  2. Taking care of your house on daily basis where possible will make you feel healthier, happier and stress-free which ultimately contributes to longevity, healthiness and overall wellness!  

Bottom Line

Using energy saving technology to insulate your house will significantly reduce heating costs in winter and help you significantly save money on these expenses. Additionally, improving the quality of air- we breathe every day should give us a sense of having healthier home.

Our homes are major components relaying daily activities from inside to outside but can be even more effective than thermostat by turning off unnecessary machinery that ramps up energy consumption as well as reducing overall carbon footprint created by our office buildings, shops etc.

This will eventually save energy and money in the long run. 


Author: Pictures Of Africa  – Source: YouTube


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