Discover the Mon Eco Pote Forest

Plant a tree, take care of our forests

Plant a tree, take care of our forests

Make a donation and have your very own tree planted in Switzerland !

Give a gift that grows the future: a voucher to plant a tree! This simple yet powerful gesture contributes to the reforestation and preservation of ecosystems. Each tree planted helps  absorb CO2, supports biodiversity and regenerates the soil. This is a concrete, sustainable way of helping to combat climate change. The offer of this voucher is more than just a tree: it is a way of giving the planet a new lease of life!

Buy a tree for 25 CHF only! The more trees the better for Nature and our personal carbon footprint !

Every gift is delivered together with an online gift card to be offered as wished.

Discover Mon Eco Pote Forest

Discover how many trees the community has planted and the amount of CO2 offset.

On average, one tree converts one ton of CO2 into 1.1 m³ of wood. One cubic metre of wood therefore contains 0.9 tons of CO2. However, the amount of CO2 absorbed by a tree depends on many factors including the type of tree, its age, its health and the environment in which it grows.

Deciduous Oak trees are estimated to absorb around 4.6 tons of CO2 per year and per hectare. 

It is also important to note that Swiss forests absorb around 2 tons of CO2 per hectare per year. This offsets almost a fifth of the CO2 emissions caused by traffic.

Finally, it should be noted that trees convert CO2 into carbon through photosynthesis and store it in the biomass. Once the tree has been felled, the carbon remains fixed within the wood for a long time.

This information should reveal the importance of trees in absorbing CO2. They play a vital role in the fight against climate change!

Geolocate your Tree

Discover how many trees the community has planted in the Mon Eco Pote Forest and find the exact location of your tree!

Tree N° Name Donator Exact Geolocalisation
25 Oaks
Wallace Family (Northern Ireland)
Courtepin – Fribourg (Switzerland)

Why make a donation to Mon Eco Pote

Find out in this video the key reasons why we encourage you to support us financially

Buy a tree for 25 CHF only ! The more trees the better for Nature and your personal carbon offset !

Every gift is delivered together with an online gift card to be offered as wished.

Discover My Eco Best Friend Forest

Find out how many trees did the community planted and the amount of Co2 we offseted

N° Trees Planted: 11
N° Trees Planted: 11 700 KGCO2 emissions Saved

Discover My Eco Best Friend Forest

Find out how many trees did the community planted and the amount of Co2 we offseted

N° Trees Planted: 11
700 KG
CO2 emissions Saved