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Plant trees !

Planting trees will help us degrade CO2 and conserve the soil and necessary nutrients. Planted at the right depth, trees help to preserve rainwater and keep soil from leaching into the ground. In addition, planting trees will help us reduce our emission of greenhouse gases by reducing the carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane that are released when we burn fuels such as fossil fuel.

Planting trees will allow rain to percolate down into the ground, instead of being lost through evaporation & runoff at natural land surfaces like roadsides and parkland areas. Planting trees on inevitable lands conserves soil nutrients while planting in areas where you have already planted crops can greatly reduce erosion by redirecting the run off of rain water.

We need to make efforts on how we can conserve and repair damaged tropical land reserves and replacing them with trees is one for effective ways, through planting or simply replanting. Now that we have planted these trees, they need to be looked after. We will now be planting some of the same species and types of tree over and over again without taking care for them!

Trees are a living thing! Creates a multitude of benefits in the environment as we can all see by just monitoring how they grow, act and react under different climatic temperature.

Trees are so important to our lives that without them there would be no animals or plants at all, thus world’s habitats and ecosystems will not exist in the same form.

Trees allow biodiversity through their life cycle which includes seeds distributed through wind it is believed that both seeds & birds travel over a distance of 3,000 miles to get to the tree. Without these birds & seeds tropical plants and grasses would not grow and trees as well do an overall job in keeping dry land forests healthy.

Bottom Line

There are endless benefits of planting trees, but the best of all is absorbing CO2 in our atmosphere. Experts are suggesting that we must have a zero emission by 2050 and trees will significantly play a big role.

So if we can truly do this in a sustainable fashion, which will benefit our planet’s carbon levels and its biodiversity through a tree planting campaign is something that the whole world should be on board with.


Author: Tom Mills – Source: YouTube

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