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Save Water Each Time You Flush

The primary source of water use in many homes is the toilets. This accounts for nearly 30% of the indoor water consumption in any household. It means that Toilet flushing accounts for about a third of water usage in the family. One may probably flush way as much as they drink in a whole month. This video takes us through home water-saving ideas to do it yourself. Nonetheless, this Eco DIY method employs old plastic bottles that save water every time you flush.

Use the empty plastic bottles and fill them with water from the toilet tank. To keep the bottles stable in the tank, put a few pebbles in them and fill them with water. By filling the toilet tank with plastic bottles, less water is needed to fill the tank.

It is worth noting that you use more than 1.6 gallons of water every time you flush. However, this method helps you save about 16% on your water bill per month. This totals to approximately 7500 gallons per year. This eco DIY tip not only holds water but also helps to keep the environment clean. The use of plastic bottles saves plastic waste hence conserving the ecosystem.

Having more than one toilet in your household means doing this in all the toilets. However, this tip works best where the bathroom does not leak. Check for toilet leaks before putting plastic bottles inside the toilet tank. If there is a leak, you should repair it immediately. Consider replacing old toilets that use a higher volume of water with modern designs that use less water.

Also, make sure you do not interfere with the moving parts inside the toilet. This might create more problems that will cost you more money. Remember, the idea here is to save water and conserve the environment without employing a professional. 


Author: Easy Eco Tips – Source: YouTube

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