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Lands that Could Flood in our Lifetime

Let’s start with North America. After all, it’s here where the US has historically emitted more total greenhouse gases than any other country. Plus, it’s here that we will get friendly introductions to all the different landforms that are vulnerable to the rising sea.

North America-US

  • The Florida Peninsulasits flat and low and could flood due to gravity.
  • The Bahamas Bankssit directly in the path of hurricanes.
  • The Mississippi River Deltais submitting more and more landmass into the ocean every year. It could force ocean water to push into Louisiana.
  • The Delmarva Peninsulasits almost entirely at sea level, meaning it won’t take much time for the entire state of Delaware, plus good chunks of Maryland and Virginia.
  • Long Island and Cape Codwere formed through glaciation thus have no solid bedrock.
  • With rising sea levels, each successful storm will send water into the basin from the San Francisco bay.

South America

The Amazon River has deeply eroded its basin and built a vast flood delta at its terminal, which could push seawater intrusion inwards to form a bow.


  • Paraná and Uruguay Rivers could flood Buenos Aires in Argentina using the same process.
  • Another weak point in South America is Guayaquil in Ecuador.


  • Senegal, Mauritius, Guinea Bissau, and Gambia coastal lowlandsaround Senegal and Gambia Rivers.
  • Inland Depressions in the Mediterranean Coast-Tunisia’sChott el Jherid, Libya’s Sabkhah al Qunayyin, and Egypt’s Qattara Depression.


  • Poe Valleyin Italy is threatening to submerge Venis once and for all.
  • Istanbul sits directly in the rising sea levels of the Black sea.

Other European lands;

  • Netherlands lowlands, and Ireland, Jutland Peninsula islands.


  • The land between Tigris and Euphrates in Iraq.
  • Bangladesh.
  • The Persian Gulf in Saudi Arabia.
  • Brahmaputra, Mahgna and Ganges river delta in India.
  • Around Irrawaddy, Chao Phraya, and Mekong River delta- Myanmar, Thailand, and Vietnam.
  • The Yellow, Pearl, and the Yangtze River delta in China.


  • Parts of Central and West Australia. 
  • Indonesian Islands like the Java Island.


Author: Atlas Pro – Source: YouTube

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