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Reduce Waste Produced in your Family

In Switzerland, initiatives to reduce waste produced by homes are put in place.

Firstly, Zuri sacks are put in each room where no materials are allowed to be thrown around. These include food waste, and other recyclable materials. Metals, Pet plastics, glass, used electronics, and other toxic products are put in different sacks. Each on its own sack.

And the Zuri sacks are priced high to ensure the consumer recycle as many products as possible.

Secondly, there are containers on every neighborhood where homeowners put their material in free of charge. Zuri sacks are put on a different container from the toxic materials. Plastics, glass, used electronics, and other toxic materials are in different containers separately.

Thirdly, everyone can use the 30 liter free to recycle, product itself which is attached to each doorstep of residences and areas where there are households. This allows you as a consumer to take goods with you wherever they may be placed.

And lastly, they have plastic and battery garbage collection points at the grocery stores and supermarkets.

In short, Switzerland has more solutions than one to deal with their wastes efficiently and fairly. And they take care of the communities around them due to these successful policies in place that promote better living conditions for people today and those yearning it tomorrow as well! They manage waste by not just sending it off elsewhere but recycling the waste which can enrich peoples’ life through new innovative products!

Switzerland makes it to recycle 80% of the plastic bottles used daily.  Switzerland has very high recycling rates which usually average at 83% for single-stream paper waste and 90% for mixed recyclables with an excellent history on zero landfill policy. 


Author: How To Switzerland – Source: YouTube

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