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50 Things you should stop buying

From a zero waste minimalist.

  1. Personal Care.

Traditional deodorant, plastic toothbrushes, bottled shampoo conditioner and body wash, plastic bottles for liquid products, mascara and eyeliner from plastic tubes, lotions, bath oils, hair groomers from plastic bottles, cleansing agents and razors from plastic cartridges, sticks, body creams and lip balm and soaps from cartons, wooden cutlery holders, cosmetics in glass or metal containers.

  1. Kitchenware.

Kitchen paper, chemical cleaning products, plastic spoons and cups, pre-packaged processed food, plastic wraps, disinfected wipes, washing powder, disinfected face cloths, plastic plates with colored side of paper, cardboard cutlery holders, kitchen gadgets not needed, washing off-liquid etc.

  1. Food shopping.

Plastic bites, sandwich bags, disposable plastic utensils for food shopping, packaged food and veg, lunchboxes and containers, meat, coffee pods, convenience foods.

  1. Clothing.

Unnecessary clothing, like excess gym wear, kitchen ware, accessories, etc.

  1. Luxury.

Take away coffee, candles, series, movies, hard copy books, wrapping paper, gift wrap, postcards and greeting cards, printed stationery, magazines, gift tags.

  1. Toys and Games.

Candy jar toys or plushiest bought in bulk boxes full of plastic parts if you have young children at home are a big offender often with small parts made from such toxic toxins as phthalates that may cause very long time-line effects on the child’s health especially during their childhood years.

Bottom Line

In short, it’s better to not buy these products than disposing packs of it.

So, now the question can you simply say, “what are those harmful shopping practices that we should avoid at any cost?”

It’s possible to avoid buying these things and start making your own sustainable products or have sustainable alternatives.

Well, keep on reading to know more about it. 


Author: Sinead Davies – Source: YouTube

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