

Learn more about key information on how to use the platform


Delivery Conditions & Method

Delivery Method, Packaging & Returns

Some sellers will propose a “click & collect” option, others will deliver to your address and sometimes both options will be available. Please check the options either on the seller store or when you place your order on the eco-shop. You will see the options available and you can select the one that suits you the most.

In case a delivery to your home address is possible, It is up to the seller to decide which delivery company and delivery method they want to use. For the packaging, it is also up to the seller to manage the type of packaging used. Some sellers might accept returns too. Please check all those conditions on the seller store page. 

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As My Eco Best Friend is promoting sustainability to his users and sellers, we recommend you to avoid as much as possible the returns and use sellers that are proposing eco-friendly packaging. Also give the priority to the order collection at the shop instead of home delivery.  Do not hesitate to rate your purchase & seller based on the delivery method, packaging type used by the seller, or his return policy! The eco-friendlier you believe a seller is, the more stars you rate him and his products & services!

Payment Methods and Conditions

Stripe payment gateway is one of the most famous one in the e-commerce industry and is used by millions of businesses (https://stripe.com/en-ch/customers). On My Eco Best Friend, you will be able to make your secure payments using either the traditional credit card payment methods (Visa, Mastercard…) or using e-wallets such as Apple Pay.
Based on the seller payment conditions and the type of product & service you purchase, either you will be invited to pay directly or your payment will be put on hold until the product or service you purchased is effectively delivered to you. Clear payment conditions will be highlighted on the product/service description together with the delivery conditions before you proceed to the payment.
Traditional Swiss payment methods such as PostFinance or TWINT cannot be used as there was a need to have a payment system that can manage the payment of commission to the platform. We therefore apologized for the inconvenience caused.

Request for Quote

Request a Quote for products & services

On the eco-shop, for some products and services, there is a need to request a quote to the sellers. The reason is that the seller needs more information before he/she can give you the right price.

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If you request such quote, My Eco Best Friend will receive the request and will liaise directly with you and the seller to ensure you get the best price. Once a price is agreed, you will be receiving an order on My Eco Best Friend and be invited to proceed to the order confirmation and payment.

Customer Services

Any seller on our platform is committing to deal with your orders and to deliver them as fast as any other e-commerce platform (i.e. within a couple days).
Sellers are also committing to answer to any of your queries and deal with any issue or specificity related to your order with a high level of customer service quality.
As a My Eco Best Friend user you can also rate the quality of services of the sellers. So do not hesitate to give them a review after your purchase. In case you are facing issue in contacting the seller, you can always contact My Eco Best Friend team and we will be happy to assist you as much as we can. contact@myecobestfriend.com

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